does adderall dilate you

Why does adderall make my pupils dilated?.
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Why Do Your Pupils Dilate? - Yahoo!.
Eye pupils and marijuana Smoking marijuana usually doesn't effect a person's pupils. It would moreso constrict a person's pupils than dilate them. People might
does adderall dilate you
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18.09.2008 · Best Answer: Your pupils dilate when the muscles in your eyeballs stretch. Several things can cause this to happen. They sometimes dilate during times of
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does adderall dilate you
Why does adderall make my pupils dilated?.I have several Mosins and prefer the 91 30's to the shorter models. I found a dealer that had crates of these and got a deal when purchasing more than
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Yes; Adderall contains amphetamine. Amphetamine works by increasing certain neurotransmitters in the brain (dopamine and epinephrine) which cause the pupils to dilate
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10.07.2007 · ok, I obviously know that it makes peoples pupils dilate- I want to know WHY. thanks

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