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This is a discussion on funny names for nurses in Nursing Humor / Share Jokes, part of General Nursing An Accident and Emergency Department in Birmingham boasts a

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(1.4) Fred is really scared that because he got detention, he won't be able to be a pediatrician. IT'S HACKIN HERE!! !! http
A father and son live on a farm. One day the father says, "Son, things haven't been going very well and I'm afraid we'll have to sell your duck.
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Heart Jokes | Funny Humor by Joke Buddha
Funny Baby Joke#1 : It was the stir of the town when an 80 year old man married a 20 year old girl. After a year of marriage she went into the hospital to give birth.
Category: Doctors Jokes - Free Jokes of.
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Funny Jokes For AdultsFUNNY BABY Collection : Top 13 Funny Baby.
A guy gets home early from work and hears strange noises coming from the bedroom. He rushes upstairs to find his wife naked on the bed, sweating and panting.'
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The pediatrician was a real kidder. A boating accident between the yacht, Red Dawn, and the schooner, Blue Lagoon, left the survivors marooned. He didn't tell his
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Cancer is not funny, but laughter is the best medicine. A good sense of humor and a positive attitude are two of the greatest weapons in the fight against cancer.