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Concealed Carry Guns for Women: Sig P238.
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Concealed Carry Options for Women: Sig P238 and Ruger LCP
Shooting my Sig P238. Had one round jam on me. It's now had 200rds through it. I think the jamming I'd probably from the notorious P238 spring. Sig P238

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Sig P238 Shooting/Jamming - YouTube
Sig P238 Problems
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Review of the Sig Sauer P238 | ThruMyLens
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Sig Sauer P238 HD Review - YouTubeSig Sauer P238 HD Review for conceal carry I took the plunge and spent the money for the HD, $600 shipped. My only gripe was the black plastic trigger
A P238 pistol chambered for .380 ACP by Sig Sauer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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